Contact your account manager to leave feedback or to share what kind of features you find useful to have on our interface. We’ll brainstorm your ideas and keep you updated.
A view showing customers’ recurring services. You’ll see which subscriptions they have, but not the financial details without their consent. If you’re billing your end customers yourself, you’ll see all the details and be able to set tags.
A restricted view of your customers’ invoices. You’ll only see the invoice references and dates. The restriction is lifted with the customer’s consent or if you bill the end customer yourself.
Certain views and features are restricted without consent unless you’re billing the end customers yourself. You can for example not see the customers’ invoice details and you don’t have access to the contents of their support tickets.
A view showing your commission invoices. You’ll be able to download them as PDF or CSV. You’ll also be able to change the IBAN to which we send your commissions.
Select to limit your views to a specific reseller account. Certain partners have more than 1 account and this avoids having to create multiple interface accounts.
Admins can send invitations to users to connect to their account. The invited users will have until the end of the next day to accept. They will be asked to set their password the first time they login. If you use Microsoft login, your invited users will also have to login using Microsoft.
Procedure for resetting your password. This is only available to users that don’t use Microsoft to sign in. An email with an expiring reset link is sent to the user where he’ll enter a new password.